
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Another normal morning, sitting on my couch reading the newspaper. Yeah, I´m the kinda girl that like to read a tradicional newspaper on paper, with a black coffee on the other hand.

This idea has been wondering on my mind for weeks now.
I have a job, not the best one on earth, but it gives my money and I´ve been doing baby steps on my model career. 
Let´s be honest, I have some feelings for my crappy apartment, but, is time to move on, and get a better one.

So, the search begin with the 10 most affordable neighborhoods to live in.
Prospect Heights is a neighborhood in the northwest of the New York City borough of Brooklyn, and it has great rental prices.

So, time to get dress and start looking my future apartment!! Yay!

Sweater by Jailer Savigny
Handbag Euphoria by Janette Gabrielli



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