
Saturday, March 14, 2015

It has just been two weeks since I moved to L.A. and my appartment is almost done! Here's a little sneak peak of my room. I'll be posting my shoe closet later, they're still working on it.

I hired a new assistant to help me with all the stuff I must deal with evereyday, her name is Antonia, aka Star_girl.girl, I'll be meeting her up later today to start working on my brand new website and social media stuff. Since Stardoll Fashion Week finished I haven't been that active in my professional life and finally I'm back on track with two surprises coming up this week!

It's now 1pm and we're at my new store in Rodeo Dr., it's still under construction and it's so slippery and dusty in here! I shouldn't be wearing this vintage Dior and Stuart Weitzmans today. Antonia suggests to have a one-of-a-kind fitting room and I'm actually in love with her idea. I'm so glad to have her here with me.

Now we're on our way home talking to some community managers and marketing agencies to manage our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram media... Wait, is that a Johnny Rockets over there? OMG! STOP! I want a hamburguer so bad!

After two hamburguers and hundreds of litters of vanilla milkshake we finally made it home and Ross Peck surprised us with our Fanpage open in my Macbook

Don't forget to Like it!

-XoXo, Jeannette Gabrielli

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